Kasperi Kapanen inclus dans le DEAL pour Jeff Petry?

Kasperi Kapanen inclus dans le DEAL pour Jeff Petry?

Par André Soueidan le 2022-06-11

- Kasperi Kapanen inclus dans le DEAL pour Jeff Petry?

- Les Penguins seraient TANNÉS de son IMMATURITÉ hors-glace...

- Et comme ce dernier à droit à l'arbitrage...

- Pittsburgh ne veut pas payer le joueur autonome avec compensation à sa juste valeur.

- Kapanen est l'un des joueurs les PLUS RAPIDES de la LNH.

- Son talent est évident...

- Il FITERAIT parfaitement dans le système de Martin St-Louis...

Back in the summer of 2020, rumblings about Kapanen's off-ice maturity issues as a Maple Leaf surfaced before they shipped him back to Pittsburgh.

Three years later, those rumblings have begun to rumble again, with Penguins' management reportedly growing more and more tired of Kapanen as the season wore on which crescendoed into a few health scratches down the final stretch.  

Contractually, though, Kapanen is in a weird position, one in which the signing bonus on his previous contract has lowered his qualifying offer to a mere $800,000. 

He's not going to take that, of course, which then opens the possibility of Kapanen heading to arbitration to find a financial middle ground.

And given his decent box score numbers recently and an extensive overall body of work, the Penguins may end up being forced to pay Kapanen a figure they really don't want to, which, then, could open up the possibility him being dealt to avoid this situation altogether.