La femme de Carey Price avoue...

La femme de Carey Price avoue...

Par André Soueidan le 2021-08-01

- Wow...

- La femme de Carey Price avoue...

- Qu'elle pensait que sa famille déménageait pour Seattle..

- Et qu'elle était EXCITÉE à L'idée...

- Ils étaient même prêts à se rendre à Seattle pour que Price enfile le chandail du Kraken...

- Hum...

- Et après..

- Elle veut nous faire croire que Carey me voulait pas partir?

- C'MON MAN!!!!

Coming right off of playoffs, we began to wrap our minds around Carey’s injury and the need for surgery, so the decision was made to leave Carey unprotected during the expansion draft. Really, there was no other option. With the unknown result of Carey’s surgery and recovery time we couldn’t risk losing Jake — the back up goalie, who Seattle would have taken, for sure. I was not stressed about it at all — because of Carey’s contract, his age and his injury Seattle wouldn’t even give him a second glance . . . or so we thought. Obviously, we knew there was a risk and if we HAD to go to another team Seattle is close to home, so it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. But like I said, we weren’t even considering that at the time.

I really hated that the decision to lift his no trade was announced before the details on his injury were. His injury was the entire reason we had lifted his no trade and he was left unprotected. It hurt my heart to read that people thought we wanted out of Montreal. I was so thankful when it came out the next day that Carey was going to need surgery, but at the same time Carey’s agent was calling to say that Seattle didn’t seem too concerned about his injury and him being picked up could really happen. So naturally, I spent the next couple of days living on Twitter, reading every little thing and over thinking it all. It definitely got to a point where I thought we were for sure headed to Seattle, so I let myself start mentally preparing for it and even talking about it. Just in case it did happen. Of course, there were benefits to being only a 3 hour drive from home — I could be there for every single holiday and my parents could come up on the weekends. I have a lot of friends and family in Seattle, so that could be fun! And being state side during all of this COVID stuff, yes, yes, yes that would make my life soooo much easier. I was hyping it up in my head to a point where I began to think ‘heck, why wouldn’t we want to go to Seattle?’.

It was the evening before the draft and we were scheduled to fly to New York the next day. Carey’s agent called to tell Carey to keep his phone on him tomorrow morning. If Seattle does take him, we will change our trip and head to Seattle, scheduling the surgery in New York for a later date. And that is when it hit me. I looked at Carey in shock and said you can’t go to the draft party and put on a Kraken jersey, parading around in front of everyone! How disrespectful to all the Habs fans and that franchise! We continued to discuss how, at the end of the day, it is a business and players get traded away all the time. I understood that, but it still didn’t feel right. I couldn’t wrap my mind around Carey doing that. It was then that I realized although playing in Seattle would make our lives so much easier, our heart, my heart is with the Canadiens organization.

Now that we’re at the end of it all, I can say it was quite the mindf***. With your world dependent on what seemed like a game of chicken was bizarre and something I hope to never experience again. I really feel for those families who experience it once or multiple times throughout their guys’ career