Le fils du DG des Canucks SAUVAGEMENT ATTAQUÉ...

Le fils du DG des Canucks SAUVAGEMENT ATTAQUÉ...

Par David Garel le 2021-10-17

- OMG...

- Le fils du DG des Canucks, Jim Benning....

- A été SAUVAGEMENT ATTAQUÉ par 4 individus...

- La fille...et soeur de la victime...a témoigné...

- Le fils est à l'hôpital...sévèrement TABASSÉ...

- Maudite violence GRATUITE...

“I tried to fight them off my brother and then one of them strangled me and threw me up against the wall,” Danica Benning wrote in her post. “The police were notified but (the four men) ran off immediately. My brother is in the hospital.”

Vancouver police spokesperson Tania Visintin confirmed that officers were called to an assault in progress around 2 a.m. in the 1000 block of Mainland Street.

“A 25-year-old man had very visible injuries to his face. He declined any assistance from paramedics and told officers he would go to the hospital himself,” said Visintin.

Danica Benning has two brothers and didn’t say in her post which one was attacked. However, the age of the victim lines up with the age of her younger brother, Nicholas.

Brandon, the older Benning brother, is in his 30s and works as a scout for the Canucks.

Postmedia has reached out to the Canucks for comment.