Marc Bergevin devra lui dérouler le tapis rouge...

Marc Bergevin devra lui dérouler le tapis rouge...

Par André Soueidan le 2020-04-14

- Marc Bergevin devra lui dérouler le tapis rouge...

- Mathew Barzal continue d'être traité comme un PLOMBIER par son DG...

"To be honest with you guys, I don’t think there’s been too much communication, and not because there’s anything negative or anything, it’s just Lou’s getting ready for a playoff run right now, and I’m still worried about this season as well.  I’m not too too worried about it, just because I don’t think the season is over yet. I think we’re still going to be playing.

There’s bigger things we’ve got to worry about right now in terms of heading to the playoffs this year. But at the same time, whenever we’re ready to sit down and get it done, I’d love for that to happen. At the same time, I’m not a person that’s just going to rush this thing or get nervous about it or whatever. I’m just going about my day, and it’ll happen when it happens".

Toujours pas de discussion, pour un nouveau contrat...

- Ça sent bon pour nous ça...