OUCH...Au tour de La Gazette, de comparer le CH à Donald Trump...

OUCH...Au tour de La Gazette, de comparer le CH à Donald Trump...

Par David Garel le 2021-08-25

- OUCH...Au tour de La Gazette, de comparer le CH à Donald Trump...

- À cause que Geoff Molson a refusé l'accès à plusieurs médias...

- À sa vidéoconférence, sur l'histoire Logan Mailloux...

"One last thought on L’Affaire Mailloux. A month later, I’m still finding it hard to digest the concept that amid of one of the biggest crises to face the Canadiens in years, Molson and his public-relations handlers decided to hold a video conference to discuss the matter that excluded several major media outlets, including the Montreal Gazette, TSN 690, CBC and Radio-Canada.

That’s unacceptable and a little Trump-esque. This was a significant scandal that had a big impact well beyond the world of hockey and it shouldn’t be up to Molson to decide who’s allowed to cover his video conference. Oddly, a big chunk of the media outlets excluded are the anglo media outlets in Montreal. Why was that?

For years, the team has tried to control the flow of information and it’s time to say enough is enough. Of course the Habs love to put the info out themselves via their social-media channels and if they have to deal with journalists, they clearly prefer to deal with their TV broadcast partners, such as TVA Sports and RDS because they’re less critical.

But the Canadiens are much more than just a sports team. They are an essential part of the fabric of Quebec society and they should take that social position seriously. That means giving the media equal access so we can deliver the message to the fans".