Shane Wright ne sait pas si le CH va lui permettre...

Shane Wright ne sait pas si le CH va lui permettre...

Par Marc-André Dubois le 2022-06-26

- Shane Wright ne sait toujours pas...

- Si Kent Hughes va lui donner la permission...

- De jouer pour le Canada en août...lors du championnat du monde junior..

- On voit mal Hughes risquer que l'attaquant se blesse avant le camp d'entraînement du CH..

“It's always been on the radar. I think any time you can play for your home country, represent your country at the world juniors, it's never something you can really pass up too easily.

We'll see what happens. I think there's decisions to be made with what my [NHL] team wants, but I think that if an opportunity comes like that, it's really hard to pass that up," 

"I would call it a disappointment. A lot of sadness just having it cancelled. But also pride. Pride I made that team,” says Wright, who failed to make Team Canada’s cut in 2021.

“I was part of that team, but obviously we only got two games. It ended way quicker than we would've liked.

“I made that team. I was a part of that team. So, that's something I can take away from that for sure.”